Enterprise basic information network, enterprise basic information query system
  • Author: Worry about finance and taxation
  • Published time: 2023-03-06 08:41:34

Enterprise basic information inquiry system website :http://www.gsxt.gov.cn/

The basic information of enterprises registered at all levels of industry and commerce and market supervision departments can be queried through the China Enterprise Credit Information Publicity system。

The system supports the publicity of enterprise credit information, the publicity rate is 100%, see the enterprise credit information system for details。

Users can enter the "Industry and Commerce Publicity Information" column to inquire the enterprises, individual industrial and commercial households, farmers' specialized cooperatives, farmers' specialized cooperatives, foreign (regional) enterprises, foreign enterprises, foreign enterprises and other economic organizations registered in the industry and commerce and market supervision departments at all levels in the province,And resident representative offices of foreign (regional) enterprises engaged in production and business activities within China。


Hereby announce。

National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System website :http://www.chinatax.gov.cn/

The above is the system publicity, publicity, publicity, hope to help you。

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