Enterprise deregistration simple process, enterprise deregistration process steps
  • Author: Worry about finance and taxation
  • Published time: 2023-03-06 08:48:45

Business deregistration process steps:

Enterprise deregistration simple process, enterprise deregistration process steps

Step 1: Apply to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau for the company to cancel the record;

Step 2: Submit materials online;

Step 3: Settlement by the Industrial and Commercial Bureau。

Step 4: Submit information online

Step five:

Step 1: Download the application for company deregistration

You need to put the company's name, business scope, shareholder information, registered address, registered capital, etc. on the industrial and commercial website, waiting for approval。

Step 2: Get a business license

After the approval of the declaration materials on the industrial and commercial network, the certificate can be obtained on the spot。

Step 3: Carve the seal

After the enterprise gets the license, it can carve the company chapter, usually the company must carve five company seals, official seal, financial seal, legal person seal, invoice seal, contract seal

Step 4: Apply for a business to public account

With your business license and seal, you go to an approved bank to open a business-to-company account, and then give the seal to the company。

Step 5: Apply for a company-to-company account

You take the business license and legal person ID card to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to obtain the business license, company seal, financial seal, legal person seal, invoice seal, contract seal

Step 6: Apply for a business to public account

You carry the business license and legal person ID card, go to apply for the enterprise to the public account, and stamp on the company's business license。

Step 7: Apply for a corporate account

You take the business license and seal, go to an approved bank to open a business-to-company account, and to the company owner。

Step 8: Open a company-to-company account

With your business license and seal, you go to an approved bank to open a business account。

Step 8: Company account

You take the business license and legal person ID card to handle the company-to-company account。

Step 10: Company account

You take the business license and seal, go to the company business license, go to the company business license。

Step 10: Company account

You take the business license and the seal, go to the corporate license, go to the corporate license。

Step 10: Get financial statements for the last month。

Step 28: Purchase a seal

You take the business license and the seal, go to the company business license。

Step 28: Engraving

With your business license and stamp, you go to open a company account。

Step 28: Open a company account

You bring your business license and seal and go to open a company account。

Step 30: Open a company account

You bring your business license and stamp to the company's business license。

Step 40: Open a bank account

You take the business license and the seal, go to the company business license。

Step 42: Apply for tax control and invoice

With your business license and stamp, you go to the tax office and open a company account。

Step 42: File and pay taxes

You take the tax control plate, go to the company's business license, go to the tax bureau to declare。

Step 42: Apply for tax control and invoice

You take the business license and the seal, go to the company's business license, go to the company's business license, go to the company's business license。

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