Trademark repeated query, trademark category query
  • Author: Worry about finance and taxation
  • Published time: 2023-03-04 08:47:59

Trademark category inquiry

The trademark category inquiry refers to the inquiry of whether the trademark applied for by the trademark registration applicant or its agent is the same or similar to the trademark with prior rights before the registration of the trademark。Search is not a necessary procedure for trademark application, but pre-application trademark search can improve the success rate of trademark registration。There are blind spots in trademark inquiry, which can only reduce the risk, but cannot guarantee 100% risk-free。

Trademark repeated query, trademark category query

I. Trademark category inquiry

The trademark category includes 45 categories, including 34 categories of goods and 11 categories of services。A trademark designated for use on goods is a trademark of goods, and a trademark designated for use on services is a service trademark。

This category includes, in particular: - Services provided to individuals and organizations,That is, the classification of the use of various goods and services in accordance with the law,Such as: - property access services for commercial operations,For example, medical devices;- Protection of property in advertising, commercial management - services for buyers and sellers,Such as -- drugs;-- Dietary supplements,For example -- salad dressing。

Second, trademark subcategory inquiry

Trademarks in the trademark subcategory all contain the category "- Medical services"。It is not only used by everyone to apply for registration,It is also considered for use in all categories of medical services,For example, through the sales staff to evaluate their goods or services or to value goods or services,To ensure trademark exclusivity,It also provides retailers with free trademark search services,For example, advertising salespeople evaluate their goods or services or advertise their goods,It can also be used as a broker, agent for the evaluation of goods or agents。If you have any questions in the trademark registration process, you can log in at any network for free online consultation。We provide trademark search, trademark change, trademark transfer and other services, hope to help you。

2. Does the trademark in the subclass of registration contain the item "medical service"?

When you register, you only need to bring the words "medical services", and you do not need to bring "hospital", "food", "property" or other titles。

Third, why should registered trademarks use virtual addresses to register, what are the advantages of virtual addresses?

Virtual address is a kind of address registration, you do not need to rent it yourself, but the relevant organization provides you with a registered room number to register。

There are two types of use of the exclusive right to use a trademark: one is the address filed by the Trademark Office, and the other is the address filed by the Trademark Office in the Trademark Office。(We provide free trademark registration address)

The subclass is the trademark owner's own registered address, not the trademark owner。Only one registered address is required to register。

Superior geographical location: It is one of the four major cities in our country。位于南京六合区,是中国大陆新千年的塘沽与穿河下游的区,自然资源十分丰富。

Superior geographical location: Although there is no better location than "suburban counties" and "parks", it has strong geographical advantages。

Good entrepreneurial environment: superior location conditions are suitable for resource integration or utilization, so resources are the basic conditions of the "park"。

The "park" is the only legally permitted public institution managed by the administrative department of industry and commerce in China。

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