Shanghai Tax invoice online delivery (e-ticket application process)
  • Author: Worry about finance and taxation
  • Published: 2024-01-08 08:46:25

Hello, everyone,Shanghai XXXX online distribution believe that many netizens are not very understand,The same applies to the e-ticket application process,But it doesn't matter.,Next, let's share some knowledge points about Shanghai XXXX online distribution and e-ticket application process,You can pay attention to the collection,In case you don't find it next time,Let's get started!

How to issue Shanghai e-ticket

Log in the Shanghai Electronic XX Bureau of the State XX General Administration, enter the batch issue module。

Shanghai Tax invoice online delivery (e-ticket application process)

Related path: I want to do tax -- XX business -- blue word XX issue -- batch issue。

1.Click to download "Batch import issue XX template"。

2.Fill in XX import information based on the template。

3.Upload data file

4.Click "Preview XX" to view the XX style。

5.Click "Batch issue" to issue XX。

Shanghai nfcXX process

Open the Shanghai Metro APP,Click the "Other Channels" button on the home page → Click the "+ Add" button in the upper right corner of the page,Select 【bet365官网】/【bet365体育】→ After the payment channel is successfully bound,Directly click [wechat mini program] / [Alipay mini program] → select the corresponding itinerary,Click [Open XX] → Select the desired electronic XX type → Fill in the XX information and submit →XX succeeds

How to issue Shanghai all-electric special ticket

Log in the Shanghai Electronic XX Bureau of the State XX General Administration, enter the batch issue module。

Related path: I want to do tax -- XX business -- blue word XX issue -- batch issue。

1.Click to download "Batch import issue XX template"。

2.Fill in XX import information based on the template。

3.Upload data file

4.Click "Preview XX" to view the XX style。

5.Click "Batch issue" to issue XX。

Shanghai metro Alipay can open XX

Subway pay can be XX。You need to log in to Alipay and enter the "My" page, click "Bill" and enter the "Bill list".。

Then search for the bus bill that needs to open XX, enter "local subway", and then enter the "bill list" of "local subway" to select the bill that needs XX, and finally click "open XX" option according to the specific bill item that needs XX。

E-ticket application process

Step 1:

Login Xiamen Electronic XX Bureau, open the home page - I want to do tax -XX use

Click the "XX ticket approval" module on the left

Step 2:

Enter the XX ticket approval application interface, the system will automatically bring out the registered information, select "XXX electronic special ticket" in "XX Application information", and fill in the maximum XX quota and quantity and other related information。

Step 3:

Click the "Attached data" button in the upper right corner and upload the attached data to be submitted according to the system prompt。

Step 4:

Click [OK] to return to XX ticket verification interface, confirm the information is correct, click [Save] - [Submit] - [Apply] in the upper right corner,

About Shanghai XXXX online distribution, the introduction of the e-ticket application process is over. I hope it will be helpful to you。

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