The result of the trademark dispute case of Wong Lao Kat, what is the matter between Wong Lao Kat and JDB
  • Author: Worry about finance and taxation
  • Published Time: 2024-01-07 09:23:49

Hello, everyone, today I will share with you the results of the trademark dispute case of Wong Lo Kat, and the relevant knowledge about what happened between Wong Lo Kat and JDB. I hope it will be helpful to you。If you can help everyone, also hope to pay attention to the collection under this site, your support is our biggest driving force, thank you, let's start!

Who is the owner of the "Wong Lao Ji" trademark

The result of the trademark dispute case of Wong Lao Kat, what is the matter between Wong Lao Kat and JDB

The trademark right is short for the exclusive right to use a trademark, which means that the trademark authority grants the trademark owner the exclusive right to protect its registered trademark by national law。The right of the trademark registrant to control its registered trademark and prohibit infringement by others according to law, including the trademark registrant's exclusive right to use its registered trademark, the right to profit, the right to dispose of, the right to renew and the right to prohibit infringement by others。As for the owner of Wanglaoji trademark, it is already an established legal fact。In China XX, the exclusive right of WangLaoji trademark is currently owned by GFC, which is beyond doubt。

Why did Wong Lao Kat win the Red pot dispute

The dispute over the red can is also the key to this case, which is known as the "first case of Chinese packaging and decoration"。

Who owns the intellectual property rights to the red pot of herbal tea?At the trial, lawyers representing JDB said that the packaging of the red pot of herbal tea was designed by Chen Hongdao, chairman of JDB's parent company Hongdao Group, and applied for a patent in 1997, and JDB has the right to decorate the red pot。In response to this point, some detailed investigations have been done, in fact, as early as Wanglaoji was authorized to Hongdao Group production and sales, Wanglaoji is already a well-known brand, and its trademark license contract, clearly agreed to authorize Hongdao to produce and operate red canned, red bottled Wanglaoji herbal tea。In addition, because Chen Hongdao abandoned security and fled, he could not be verified, and this statement of his design patent was not convincing。In addition, Hongdao Group, as the trademark lessor, bypasses the trademark owner Guangzhou Pharmaceutical directly to apply for a design patent, which is illegal。Moreover, the validity period of the patent is ten years, and the patent on the red can patent design certificate provided by JDB has expired and has no legal effect。It can be seen that the battle of red pot, Guangyao wins in jurisprudence, and Jiaduobao is going away。However, the dispute over the red can, known as the "first case of packaging and decoration in China", has a significance far beyond winning and winning, but also has a very distinct educational significance in enhancing the awareness of intellectual property protection of enterprises。

How did GCM get Wanglaoji

The trademark of Wang Lao Ji belongs to the Wang family but the Wang family's trademark rights and interests in XX region,It was nationalized during the communitarian movement,Belongs to Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Factory,After the integration of the state established Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group,Wanglaoji brand belongs to Guangzhou Pharmaceutical,The company also owns Pan Gaoshou,Chen Liji and other brands in the past hundred years,All acquired at the same time。

What's the deal with Wong Lo Kat and JDB

JDB Company and GDB Group originally cooperated with each other. JDB bought the trademark of Wong Lo Kat from GDB Group and then produced red can Wong Lo Kat. JDB Company made a series of publicity for Wong Lo Kat, resulting in the market's fear of getting angry and drinking Wong Lo Kat。

At the same time, it may be due to contractual reasons.GFC receives a series of lawsuits every year from JDB against GFC's Wong Lao Ji trademark for not increasing with huge profits.Wang Lao Ji is hot, but in the last 10 years, in 2002, JDB leased "Wang Lao Ji" from Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group, and the sales volume of that year reached 1.800 million yuan, increased to 600 million yuan in 2003, red can Wang Lao Ji in 2011 sales revenue of 16 billion yuan, more than Coca-Cola。

The green box Wanglao Ji of Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group sold less than 2 billion yuan in 2011, and even this result may be a free ride on the hot red pot Wanglao Ji。Before the hot sale of Red pot Wanglao Kit, the Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group has not been able to carry forward Wanglao Kit, Wanglao Kit is only known in Lingnan, July 4, 2012: Guangzhou Pharmaceutical will sell the two Guangdong distributors of JDB products with the word "Wanglao Kit" to court, asking them to stop the infringement and claim 500,000 yuan each。

July 9, 2012: GDB announced that it had applied to various customs to detain JDB products on the grounds of infringement, among which Guangzhou Huangpu Customs detained JDB products up to 17X, GDB also announced that JDB infringed on the decoration right of "Wong Lo Kat" trademark and filed a lawsuit。July 13, 2012: Beijing No. 1 Intermediate XXXX ruled to reject the lawsuit application filed by Hongdao Group, which put an end to the "WangLaoji" trademark dispute case between GFC and JDB。

Extended data

People who are not suitable for drinking herbal tea:

1. Women during menstruation and puerperium

Women's menstrual period and postpartum body is extremely weak, especially to the hot and cold XX is extremely sensitive。If you drink herbal tea without moderation due to hot weather, although you can feel a temporary cool in the stomach, but after these drugs are absorbed into the blood, cold and cold XX will make the blood flow stagnant and slow, and even form blood stasis, causing dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, reduced menstrual volume, and serious bleeding, amenorrhea。

White cloud Mountain herbal tea above why there is Wong Lao Ji trademark

A: White Cloud Mountain Herbal Tea is a new series of tea launched by Wang Lao Ji, which means that White Cloud Mountain herbal tea belongs to Wang Lao Ji。

As a well-known brand, Wong Lao Kat has launched a series of tea drinks。Common Wong Lo Kat red pot herbal tea。Well, Wong Lao Kat and JDB fought for trademark rights, and once fought a lawsuit, and later JDB merged Wong Lao Kat。

After the hype, the popularity of JDB and Wong Lo Kat has been enhanced。

As for the result of the trademark dispute case of Wong Lo Kat, the introduction of what happened between Wong Lo Kat and JDB is over. I hope it will be helpful to you。

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